There once was an inflatable boy who went to an inflatable school. One inflatable morning he went into his inflatable classroom for his first inflatable lesson, inflatable maths. His inflatable teacher was an inflatable bitch, and she was in a particularly bad mood with him this morning cos he was late. So, in an uncharacteristic inflatable mood swing, the boy pulled out a pin and popped her. He ran out the inflatable door, down the inflatable corridor, and out the inflatable gate, where he turned and popped the entire school too. Then he ran away, through the inflatable woods to the inflatable river where he sat awhile and cried inflatable tears because he realised what a stupid inflatable boy he'd been. He was so depressed he slashed his own inflatable wrists with the pin.
He'd let his teacher down, he'd let his school down, and most importantly of all, he'd let himself down.
And there you have the end of my (rather shit) joke. Nice movie! :D:D